Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Occurance At Owl Creek Bridge

This was a film I watched back in 7th grade for psychology class. As a young adult, I liked the film because of the story and how it was put together. After watching it again, almost 20 years later, I can really appreciate this short even more. To me, the story comes across as the ultimate "life flashing before your eyes" moment. There were many shots that I felt helped the story and almost make you want to start cheering for the main character to get away and live his life. But that would be too easy. And so, to see the film play out with the character losing his life at the end, makes it more devistating and you really feel sorry for him.

I really feel that b&w film can give a somber tone to a story such as this. The contrast value in this short film really helped give the mood for each shot. Again, I feel that it was a good short story.

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